Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Merlin Cottages may, on occasion, provide leads or suggestions regarding contractors, commercial discounts, or other goods or services. Merlin Cottages does not endorse any product or service advertised and accepts no responsibility, liability for the accuracy of any advertisement nor the condition or status of the item and is not a party, nor the agent of any party, to any transaction arising from any such advertisement.

person holding a news paper during daytime
person holding a news paper during daytime

Springtime HOA Reminders

LAWN CARE - It's that time of year again! As homeowners or renters, it is everyone's responsibility to keep their lawns looking good. That means regular mowing, trimming, irrigation, weeding and fertiliztion. This also includes keeping your property clean of debris, trash, clutter, etc. Violarions may result in fines.

GARBAGE CANS - Receptacles can be put out the evening before pick-up and must be returned the evening of pick-up. Receptacles must be stored of of view from the road (in garage, behind fence, etc.)

PETIQUETTE - Remembedr to pick up what they leave behind...even if it's not from your pet! There are bags available at each common area entrance.
Let's continue to strive to be a subdivision that cares abo another, our neighborhood and community.

Need a Contractor?

Many of us have hired various contractors to do work in our homes or yards. If you’ve had good success with your contractor, we’d like to hear about it in case others are looking for a reputable company. Email us on the “Contact” page with the name and contact info of your contractor, as well as a brief description of the work you had done.


Electrician work
Jim Conkwright

Carpentry Work
Jim Conkwright

Handy Man
Jim Conkwright

Jim Conkwright

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.~ Willie Nelson

Upcoming Construction

As the two new building projects get under way on both sides of Sailer, this spring and summer let's all be aware of watching out for nails and other debris in the streets. New tires or repairs can be costly! If you see any issues, concerns or questions during this phase of construction, please contact one of our HOA Board Members. If we can, we will certainly try to help resolve these.

Discount and Perk

Looking to save a buck or two? Who isn’t these days! There may be discounts or perks available with these businesses.

City of Kuna – save on your utility bills by letting them know you are 65+.

Idaho Power and Intermountain Gas – sign up for “Level Pay” may save you monthly

J&M Disposal will pick up old or smelly trash receptacles and replace them free of charge

Verizon Wireless – This one may be harder, but mention that they have already given a “senior discount” to at least one resident of Merlin Pointe. A precedent has already been set.

If you know of other deals out there, please let us know. You can email us on the “Contact” page.

yellow and black plastic pack
yellow and black plastic pack